Alone in the Dark Wiki

The Dance Hall was a large room inside the Town Hall and is located next to the kitchen on the 2nd Floor.

It contains some immobile dancers, which are seemingly wax statues.


Upon entering, some musicians will start playing a little tune.

Search the wax man to get the hammer. Search the woman to get a box of cartridges.

Then, approach the musicians. Be careful, as they will try to shoot you with firearms hidden in their instruments. Run to the gramophone and search it to find a score and a string.

As soon as you do that, two undead will start moving. One wears gray pants and a brown jacket, and is easily avoidable. All he does is spinning randomly. He will always start by going to the left(Opposite to the gramophone), so once you picked up what was inside the gramophone, do a 180° turn and run out of the room. The other undead, though, can exit the dance hall and follow you. He is a powerful foe and is pretty tough to beat, so it is recommended to take care of him. He will attack with a firearm hidden in his bouquet of flowers. Killing him with the winchester takes about 7 hits.

Adjacent Rooms[]


- Hammer

- Box of cartridges

- Musical Score

- Guitar String

