Alone in the Dark Wiki

Sclera1 Sclera1 2 January 2016

Main Page archive

The Alone in the Dark Wiki' is about The game franchise that was known as the "father of survival Horror", ealier than Resident Evil. We already have ' articles.

This wiki is under construction. If you are a fan of the series, any help would be greatly appreciated.

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Sclera1 Sclera1 31 December 2015

Main Page- test

Template:Wikiportal/Header Template:Wikiportal/Mainpage Slider


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Sclera1 Sclera1 13 October 2015

Mission Dei ?

(scavenge it from profile)

Due to his unflinching faith in God, Father Giger was recruited at an early age into one of the secret societies of the Holy See.

It wasn't blind faith that led him to report directly to the Pope, it was his rare ability to simultaneously believe and yet question those beliefs, to actively seek the truth no matter where it took him, mentally of physically. Alone in the Dark: Illumination Edit

It was now, in Lorwich, Virginia, that Giger would again test the bounds of his faith. During his years serving the Vatican, Giger had experienced unmentionable circumstances and has been pushed to the limits of mind, spirit and body. There was, however, a common thread throughout these situations. The thread stopped in Lorwich…

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Sclera1 Sclera1 6 July 2015

How to improve Alone in the Dark Illumination

Okay, i might have a couple of suggestions that could make Illumination into a better game.

1. need to tie in some of the Cthulhu mythos with the enemies. Looking at the HP Lovecraft wiki and i keep on seeing plenty of disturbing shapeless masses, including lots of eyes and mouths and drippy tentacles and all other shapes. The only thing that ties that mythos (besides the big bad god himself) was the Wraith/gaunt (wingless type though). the developers could simply have a look at the original game: it had nightgaunts, zombies, and Deep Ones (and even a Cthonian, but maybe make that a common enemy)

2. Make it less Mundane.

From what I can make out from the Youtube videos, the missions just involved trying to find a power battery for a so-calle…

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Sclera1 Sclera1 8 May 2013

Abkanis Tablets Translations

Abkanis Tablets Translations was book that contained details of the seven Gods of Light that were worshipped by the Abkani idnians.

Their words are like spears,
like lightning, bringing great
rolls of thunder; they emanate
from the mouths of the gods
themselves. You, Witchdoctor,
who read them. Beware! The
danger they conceal is far
greater than the power you

The terrible anger of the
Great Hecatonchires will rain
down on any usurper.

Know this, witchdoctor, that
this language was passed down
by your father, from your
father's father and beyond. It
is your flesh; it is your blood.
Your duty is to serve the
humankind, in its battle
against the shadows of the night

The ritual to open the gate

can only be acomplished
during the 18th cycle of the
moon. Witchdo…

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